

the best competition i have is against myself to become better John Wooden


Are you enthusiastic about sport and play regularly “just” for fun?
Are you quite competitive and play for a local club at amateur level?
Do you regularly practise a variety of sports at different levels?
Are you a talented athlete who is aiming for the top?

Whatever your level, if you are keen to up your game, then building mental stamina and developing a winning mentality are crucial. The most accurate predictor of your future level of performance is not your ability or past performance, but it is your core beliefs about what you are capable of. By understanding what it means to have a high performing mindset, you will be capable of performing to your best more often.


Foundation Programme

Stage 1

Complete the quick quiz on the Sport home page to assess your levels of Self-Awareness, Self-Confidence and Self-Reliance (the big three).

Stage 2

Attend 3 hour interactive session on understanding and developing Self-Awareness, Self-Confidence and Self-Reliance.

In this development session you will explore:

Why emotions run the show in pressure situations
What mindset is required in order to consistently improve
What you discover at the edge
What is important to you
What you believe you are capable of
How to recognise useful and unuseful emotions and how they affect you
How to build lasting confidence
How to make judgement calls and decisions in the heat of the moment
Ways to develop the big three of Self-Awareness, Self-Confidence, Self-Reliance

Developing a High Performing Mindset

The Talented Athlete

Enabling the talented Athlete to develop a high performance mindset (strengths, limitations, goals, values, trigger points etc.) so they can better cope with the mental and emotional demands of competitive sport is the aim of the Mental Muscle Company. The only thing that can truly stop a player reaching their potential is him or herself. Managing emotions is the key to success.

Stage 1

The talented athlete completes an online assessment to measure the 10 core mental and emotional attributes that separate average from elite performers:


Stage 2

The talented athlete completes an online assessment to measure the 10 core mental and emotional attributes that separate average from elite performers:

A detailed report is produced which identifies individual areas requiring development
An action plan is then drawn up by the player, coach and Mental Muscle coach to focus on those areas which need to be improved
Short term and long term goals are created following the SMART approach to goal setting – goals need to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely

Stage 3

Evaluation and development sessions (in person and via Skype) with the Player and/or coach help the committed sportsperson to continually assess emotional control and performance as well as maintain focus and build Mental Muscle to compete at the standard required.

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