The Emotional Intelligence Sports Inventory


Why the Emotional Intelligence Sports Inventory?

• Traditional emotional intelligence inventories have not been developed for specific use in the sports context.
• A number of leading sports psychologists have called for the development of more appropriate measurement tools that measure the psychological constructs associated with elite performance, developed within the sporting context and validated on athletes (Anshel, 2003; Mayer & Fletcher, 2007). The ESi was developed as a direct response to those challenges.
• The ESi™ is a survey tool designed to measure an individual’s emotional intelligence (EQ) as it pertains to effective sports performance.
• The ESi™ is distinguished from other, general measures of EQ (e.g., Bar-On, 1997; Boyatzis, Goleman, & Rhee, 2000) by its development as a specific measure of EQ and sports performance

The Competencies

• More than a decade of empirical research has identified ten emotional intelligence competencies characteristic of successful athletes. The ESi model consists of ten factors that contain content from all four major domains of EQ. The ESi measures these competencies;

Read more about the competencies

Self-Awareness the capacity to tune-in to the messages the body is constantly sending; Be aware of emotional experience and motivations, and understand how feelings and emotions impact on personal performance, attitudes and judgements

Self-Confidence the ability to respect and like themselves, to be confident in their skills, and to believe in their ability to perform at high levels.

Self-Reliance the emotional power to be self-directed and take full responsibility for personal performance and back personal judgments, the ability to be self-reliant in making significant decisions

Competitivenessthe strong desire to strive for success in competition by competing against others to win; the primary focus is the challenge of reaching optimal performance where success is measured by performing at their personal best

Achievement Drive the ability to maintain a strong drive to reach personally meaningful goals, and to be energized by the stimulus of pushing themselves outside of their comfort zone to take on new challenges

Resilience the ability to cope effectively with major setbacks and disappointments in sport; a strong will to succeed and the ability to bounce back from performance setbacks by focusing on the task ahead rather than the negative emotions

Focus the ability to maintain an effective focus and avoid distractions and the ability to sustain concentration and stay centred regardless of what is happening in the competitive situations

Flexibility the ability to adapt thinking, feelings and actions in response to changing circumstances, and the ability to “go with the flow” to maintain optimal performance

Self-Control the ability to manage emotions well, to restrain actions, and to stay calm when under pressure; the ability to manage shifting moods and maintain composure and an optimal level of arousal to think clearly and act appropriately

Optimism the ability to sense opportunities, even in the face of adversity, and to maintain an overall positive attitude and high expectations of what they can achieve, and generally maintain a positive mood.

The ESi will help the coach to:

• Create a more professional overall coaching approach with access to a world-class tool to assess and develop the key performance indicators in athletes – developing the complete athlete
• Help the most talented athletes be the best performers
• Enhance the potential of athletes at all levels
• Demonstrate to parents and supporters that the coach is interested in the long-term development of the athlete … emotional intelligence competencies enhance the personal and professional long-term development of the individual – a complete athlete leads to a complete person

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