Emotional intelligence begins to develop in the earliest years. All the small exchanges children have with their parents, teachers, and with each other carry emotional messages Daniel Goleman
We all lose it. Your emotions can sometimes take control of you because you want it so badly, you’re giving it all you've got, you’re trying everything you possibly can. You can dedicate hours upon hours to honing your physical and technical abilities in your sport. Everything can seem to go so well in training...but just when you need them most...in the cauldron of competition..your skills desert you, you mess up.
You might think that just working harder in training or learning a few mental skills could do the trick..but you would be wrong. We know that there is a chronology in performance which determines how well we execute our talents.
Emotions run the show in elite performance
Until recently, the role of emotional intelligence in performance had primarily been studied within business. This research has suggested that people with high levels of emotional intelligence typically perform more successfully than those who have less effective ways of dealing with emotions.
At The Mental Muscle Company we have supporting young aspiring athletes, their coaches and parents with this challenge through our coaching, seminars and workshops.
Much support is available when athletes are selected for their national teams or gain professional contracts. Unfortunately many fall by the wayside before that time because that support for the athletes, coaches and parents has not been readily available and the feedback we receive suggests you are keen to learn how to build the skills that constitute Emotional Intelligence.
Our series of Coach, Athlete and Parent Workshops address these skills and provide you with the tools to be the best you can be.
This short 15 question quiz will provide you with a snapshot of your current levels of Self-Awareness, Self-Confidence and Self-Reliance.
My emotions are not important when I play sports
How I feel when I play sport doesn't matter to others
Knowing what I am good at is all that is important and I don't worry about what I am not good at
I don't need to reflect on how well I'm doing
I do not ask for feedback from others about my performance
I am more likely to imagine things that I don't want to happen than those things I do want to happen
I tend to question my abilities
I feel self-conscious about how others view my abilities
I often feel disappointed or frustrated with myself
My self talk is more likely to be negative, destructive and discouraging than it is positive, constructive and encouraging
I prefer making decisions with others
I am rarely open to suggestions from others
I will always ask for help
Sometimes I am indecisive
I am easily persuaded by others
You agreed with 10 or more of the statements. There is a good chance you are not performing as well as you could. You are likely to be unsure about your abilities and may find it difficult to handle tougher competitions. VIEW OUR PROGRAMMES
You agreed with between 5 and 9 of the statements. It is possible that you do pretty well a lot of the time although when pressure is increased you may find it harder to give your best performance and there may be some limitations in your game which you have yet to address. VIEW OUR PROGRAMMES
You agreed with less than 5 of the statements. It would seem you are reasonably confident about your ability and can cope in most situations. Learning how to continue to develop your Mental Muscle will help you become an unstoppable force in your sport. VIEW OUR PROGRAMMES
The Mental Muscle Company will help you to achieve the things that your mind has been holding you back from.