Why Does Emotional Intelligence Matter?



Some of us are born into environments which support us in building emotional intelligence from an early age; others are not. Most of us are not aware of how our emotions may be adversely affecting our thinking and our reactions.

There is little doubt about how important skill, ability and IQ are to our success, but what has become increasingly apparent is that organizations can become more productive by hiring those who are both intellectually and emotionally smart and by offering opportunities to build on these skills in the workplace. Solid research over two decades has demonstrated the business impact of developing and recruiting for EI on leadership performance, employee engagement, organisational climate, teamwork, sales and customer loyalty

Why Does Emotional Intelligence Matter?

Much the same can be said for coaches who wish to improve the performance of their athletes. When athletes are at the top of their game and they have all put in the time and effort to be the best they can physically and technically be, the overwhelming the evidence is it is their mental game which makes the difference

Gallup Research

Only 13% of employees worldwide are actively engaged in their work according to a Gallup 142 country study on the “State of the Global Workplace”. In other words, only about one in eight workers is psychologically committed to their jobs and likely to be making positive contributions to their organisations.

The bulk of employees worldwide (63%) are "not engaged," meaning they lack motivation and are less likely to invest discretionary effort in organisational goals or outcomes. And 24% are "actively disengaged," indicating they are unhappy and unproductive at work and liable to spread negativity to co-workers. Even taking into account a certain degree of error, on the face of it the research paints a very bleak picture of the psychological state of those in engaged in the global economy.

It is not surprising that when in 2013, Harvard Business Review asked leaders to identify those factors that had a direct impact on the success of their business they listed gaining a high level of employee engagement as one of their top 3 factors.

Now take a minute to imagine this: without spending a penny more on payroll, imagine what it would be like to have 60 percent to 80 percent of your employees engaged and none disengaged .

Proponents have claimed that emotional intelligence can enhance leadership performance, team cohesion, and coping with pressure

Emotionally intelligent people can :

get themselves into the appropriate emotional states for the demands of the situation.

If the situation requires high arousal emotionally intelligent people are good at getting themselves psyched up.

Equally, if the situation requires calmness, emotionally intelligent people are good at relaxing themselves


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