In the modern workplace, both employers and employees face a different set of challenges. There are conventional concerns, and those that arise from telecommuting and from managing a mobile workforce.
Some of the most common challenges facing the workplace today include:
• Employee Engagement
• Overwhelming workloads
• Employee turnover
• Open communication
• Time management
All of these can stem from employee attitude, which contribute to more problems and challenges.
• A passive aggressive behavior in terms of confronting issues head-on.
• Hiding behind email instead of confronting an issue. This behavior is considered a modern extension of being passive-aggressive.
• Putting too much value on privacy that can result in trust issues or the boss being misunderstood. If an employee doesn't share the real reason why they ask for flexible work hours, for example, a superior may be less sympathetic or understanding.
• Lack of emotional control that can lead to conflict or even the loss of respect from employers, co-workers and clients.
• Failure to deal with micromanagement.
If none of these issues are addressed, workplace stress will rear its ugly head. When this happens, employee turnover will increase, which can cause a domino effect on the entire organization.
One of the ways to solve problems and ensure company growth at the same time is to get the best out of your employees. When their performance is at its peak, productivity is high and a sense of fulfillment is achieved. It starts with you, the boss.
• Make sure employees understand your business' overall goals.
• Set clear expectations the job that needs to be done and how.
• Be very clear on how and why employees must work as a team.
• Provide support, training and on-the- job coaching to employees who need them.
• Get a better understanding of individual employees, and what they can contribute to business success.
• Adapt to business changes, and get your staff to do the same thing so everyone works towards the same goals.
An even better solution would be to hire the right employees from the start. But right no longer applies to finding applicants with the most appropriate core skills. What good is a highly intelligent employee if they are an ineffective team member? There should be a balance between hard and soft skills, and this becomes apparent with the right recruiting strategies.
Cultural fit happens when an employee's belief and behaviors fit with an employer's company culture and core values. An extrovert, for example, will thrive in an open office plan. An ambitious employee is sure to grow in an organization that offers plenty of room for advancement.
So before you start hiring people, understand your company's culture and include it in the job description.
Remember losing respect from colleagues due to lack of emotional control? Such situation is avoided when a person has the ability to control, perceive and evaluate emotions. In other words, they have emotional intelligence. When you have a team with a high level of emotional intelligence, dealing with stress at work and conflicts, and forming a good relationship with peers will happen seamlessly.
For this reason, you should improve your recruitment process to include testing for emotional intelligence. Apart from keen observation during an interview, you can also conduct psychometric testing, as a means to understand the personality traits of a potential candidate.
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